ABSTRACT – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder denoted by repetitive behavior where the person faces difficulty...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder denoted by repetitive behavior where the person faces difficulty in communicating. The term ‘spectrum’ used in this disorder indicates broad range of symptoms, skills and levels of disability in functioning.
The symptoms of Autism vary from child to child. Some may develop it in early infancy whereas others may develop it by the age of 2. The common symptoms are:
Doesn’t respond on call
Poor eye contact and absence of facial expression
Fails to understand directions or simple questions
Prefers playing alone, involved in own world and resists cuddling and holding
Doesn’t speak much or has delayed speech but has an abnormal tone or rhythm while speaking and may use a robot-like speech or a sing song voice
Can’t start a conversation or involve in one, starts only to make a request
Repetitive actions
Resistant to feelings and emotions
Difficulty in understanding nonverbal cues
Passive, aggressive or disruptive approach to a social group
Self- harm like biting or head banging
No change in daily routine and gets disturbed on slightest change
Sensitive to sound and touch
Specific food preferences