Pharma companies aspire to do good for the society and we are just providing them with a tool which they can use to their advantage to connect with the doctors and take their help in organising healthcare camps and donate medicine to the needy people.

Pharma companies would not have to search for the doctors now to conduct the social activities. They just need to send out a notification about the same in desired location and for desired specializations and doctors will connect with them to help.

Can there be any easier form of connection? With the advancement in technology it might be possible but Medicus assures you that we will keep changing according to the trends and keep updating our platform to make life easier for you to reach out to the people who require your help.

Product image will help doctors recognise the medicine and remain on top of mind of the doctors.
Provide product price for doctors to see and compare it with other products
Provide Side effects of the medicine so that doctors are fully aware about the medicine and its side effects which will help them in prescribing it to the patients.
It will help doctors know in which dosage form particular medicine is dispensed.
Give full description of the medicine for doctors to know what are the ingredients and for which diseases it can be used.
Brochure will help doctors know your product portfolio.
It will help doctors know your products better and they will also come to know in what condition the medicines are manufactured. This will increase your credibility.
Manufacturers can send out the push notification on daily basis to let doctors know about their product and promote them.
Manufacturers can promote their product via push notification, Article, Audio, Video etc. on Medicus App pin code wise/ City wise/ State wise/ Specialization wise.
Update the Manufacturer’s profile properly (Registration Number, Drug license, GMP, WGMP, Video, Turnover, Most selling product, strong presence in which state etc.) to let the doctors know about you in detail. It will also increase the credibility of your company.

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