
16 January 2020

My team and I make sure we work collaboratively and just aim to derve the industry to our best Startups are risky, but if you are dedicated, have a strong team,a brilliant working hard.

ust-have business ethics for a founder

16 January 2020

My team and I make sure we work collaboratively and just aim to derve the industry to our best Startups are risky, but if you are dedicated, have a strong team,a brilliant working hard.


26 October 2019

The signifiacant gap in existing infrastructure for medical services in Tire-2 and Tier03 cities is the biggest reason why people are forced to come to metros for treatment.

healthcare the PPP booster shot

26 October 2019

The significant gap in existing infrastructure for medical services in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities is the biggest reason why people are forced to come to metros for treatment. A public-private partnership can help solve this problem


14 September 2019

भारत वैश्विक स्तर पर स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की गुणवत्ता और पहुंच में निराशाजनक 145 वें स्थान पर है, जहां दवा की उपलब्धता और उपलब्धता के बारे में समय पर जानकारी से एक-तिहाई मौतें रोकी जा सकती हैं। ये हालात मेडिकस के रूप में बदलने जा रहा है

tip top

10 September 2019

India ranks at a dismal 145th in quality and accessibility of health services globally where as many as one-third of the deaths are preventable with timely communication about and availability of medicine


10 September 2019

India ranks at a dismal 145th in quality and accessibility of health services globally where as many as one-third of the deaths are preventable with timely communication about and availability of medicine

pharma times

10 September 2019

An independent study finds that only 1.2 per cent chemists in Maharashtra — three of the 252 reviewed in five cities – have stocks as the rest chose not to citing legal hassles.

09 September 2019

India ranks at a dismal 145th in quality and accessibility of health services globally where as many as one-third of the deaths are preventable with timely communication about and availability of medicine.

09 September 2019

An independent study finds that only 1.2 per cent chemists in Maharashtra — three of the 252 reviewed in five cities – have stocks as the rest chose not to citing legal hassles

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