Generic Name :CANAGLIFLOZIN ABSTRACT- Invokana is helpful in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. It helps in controlling...
Medicus, , Drugs & Ingredients Section, I+, Infliximab, doctors, drugs, healthcare, Infliximab, Ingredients, lifecare, medicare, medicine, medicines, pharma company, pharmacompanies, 0Generic Name:INFLIXIMAB ABSTRACT- Infliximab is used to treat auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and...
Dr. Parag - Dentist, , Drugs & Ingredients Section, I+, Imuran, doctor, doctors, drugs, healthcare, hospital, Ingredients, lifecare, medicine, medicines, pharma, pharmacompany, 0Generic Name :AZATHIOPRINE ABSTRACT- Imuran is a drug which prevents the body from rejecting a transplanted organ like kidney...
Dr. Parag - Dentist, , A to Z Disease Directory, Blepharitis, disease, doctors, healthcare, medicine, pharma, 0ABSTRACT – Blepharitis is the inflammation of eyelids or at the base of eyelashes area. It occurs when oil...
Name of the company – Vital Care Pvt. Ltd Company Address – 304, 305, Dwarkesh Complex, Sun Pharma Road, Off....
Dr. Kamlesh - MBBS, , A to Z Disease Directory, Addison's Disease, disease, doctor, healthcare, medicine, pharma, 0ABSTRACT – Addison’s disease, also called as Hypocortisolism or Hypoadrenalism is a rare chronic disease of adrenal glands. In...
Dr. Parag - Dentist, , A to Z Disease Directory, AIDS, doctor, doctors, drugs, healthcare, hospital, Ingredients, lifecare, medicine, medicines, pharma company, pharmacompanies, 0ABSTRACT – AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is caused by a virus, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus). It is a chronic...
Dr. Ashish - Homeopathist, , A to Z Disease Directory, Acanthosis Nigricans, doctor, doctors, drugs, healthcare, hospital, hospitals, lifecare, medicare, medicine, pharma, pharma company, pharmacompanies, 0ABSTRACT – Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin disorder identified by dark and velvety discoloration in body parts where there...
Parts Of The Spinal Cord
Dr. Ashish - Homeopathist, , Neurology, doctor, healthcare, lifecare, medicine, pharmacist, 0The spinal cord is the prime communication between the brain and the body. Itself has millions of neurons. These...
Breast Cancer Promoting Gene
Dr. Kamlesh - MBBS, , Medical Research, Oncology, doctor, healthcare, medicare, medicine, pharma, 0Cancer as we all know is a deadly disease and can be controlled therapeutically. Australian researches have tracked an...